saLam sEjaHtErA..
*saHabat seJati*
saHabat meRupaKan seOrang tEman YaNg seTia meNemaNi kiTa diKaLa suKa DaN duKa. seseOrang yaNg mEmahaMi, iKhLas daLam banTu-memBanTu sePerti kaTa pePaTah iaiTu "bErat saMa diPikuL, RinGan saMa diJinJinG". saHabaT kiTa muNgkin aDaLah sEoRang pEremPuan aTaw LelaKi, tIdaK menGenaL uSia saMaDa mUda aTaw Tua, tIdaK daPat diBezaKan daRiseGi uKuraN, saIz, waRna KuLit sesEoRang iTu. aPa yaNg peNtinG aDaLah keJuJurannYa, KeiKhLasan HaTi bUdinYa. DenGan iTu, bErsYukuRLah anDa jiKa memPunYai seOrang saHabat, teMan seJati.
Men9enaliMu 1 kEsYUkuRan,
mEnyaYan9i mU 1 keBahaGianN,
MenYakiti Mu TaK kaN Qu laKukaN,
1 keiN9iNan Qu...
"SeMo9a pErsaHabataN yaN9 tErjaLin anTara kiTa MenjaDI Suatu keAbadian yaN9 tAk teRniLai daN bErkEkaLan uNtuK seLamaNya".
saLam sEjaHtErA..
*saHabat seJati*
saHabat meRupaKan seOrang tEman YaNg seTia meNemaNi kiTa diKaLa suKa DaN duKa. seseOrang yaNg mEmahaMi, iKhLas daLam banTu-memBanTu sePerti kaTa pePaTah iaiTu "bErat saMa diPikuL, RinGan saMa diJinJinG". saHabaT kiTa muNgkin aDaLah sEoRang pEremPuan aTaw LelaKi, tIdaK menGenaL uSia saMaDa mUda aTaw Tua, tIdaK daPat diBezaKan daRiseGi uKuraN, saIz, waRna KuLit sesEoRang iTu. aPa yaNg peNtinG aDaLah keJuJurannYa, KeiKhLasan HaTi bUdinYa. DenGan iTu, bErsYukuRLah anDa jiKa memPunYai seOrang saHabat, teMan seJati.
Men9enaliMu 1 kEsYUkuRan,
mEnyaYan9i mU 1 keBahaGianN,
MenYakiti Mu TaK kaN Qu laKukaN,
1 keiN9iNan Qu...
"SeMo9a pErsaHabataN yaN9 tErjaLin anTara kiTa MenjaDI Suatu keAbadian yaN9 tAk teRniLai daN bErkEkaLan uNtuK seLamaNya".
FriEnDshiP PoEmS
Friendship isn't always easily described. The Eskimos, they say, have a hundred different words for snow. Unfortunately, the English language isn't quite as innovative, though it has vast opportunities to differentiate meaning. Certainly, Love is one of those opportunities. And so, too, is Friendship.
Instead of different words, however, we're stuck with simple adjectives. Close friend. Best friend. Childhood friend. Intimate friend. Trusted friend. Beloved friend. But whether you use adjectives or different words, few could deny the nearly infinite meaning in such a simple word.
Friends are special people. We can't pick our family, and we're sorely limited in the number of them at any rate. Society and mores (and often our own conscience) dictate we select a single mate. But our friends can be as diverse and infinite as the adjectives we choose. Our friends, in a very real sense, reflect the choices we make in life.
Friendship isn't always easily described. The Eskimos, they say, have a hundred different words for snow. Unfortunately, the English language isn't quite as innovative, though it has vast opportunities to differentiate meaning. Certainly, Love is one of those opportunities. And so, too, is Friendship.
Instead of different words, however, we're stuck with simple adjectives. Close friend. Best friend. Childhood friend. Intimate friend. Trusted friend. Beloved friend. But whether you use adjectives or different words, few could deny the nearly infinite meaning in such a simple word.
Friends are special people. We can't pick our family, and we're sorely limited in the number of them at any rate. Society and mores (and often our own conscience) dictate we select a single mate. But our friends can be as diverse and infinite as the adjectives we choose. Our friends, in a very real sense, reflect the choices we make in life.
amboi eija.....ayat introduction ni btul2 menikam jiwa ni....mesti romantik eija ni....haha....
ReplyDeleteayat jer romantic tp ija xromantic pun..hehe